Psychic artillery.

Zoanthropes have always been some of my favourite models in the Tyranid range. Floating brains that glide around letting out massive blasts of psychic energy, laying waste to infantry and vehicles alike. They show the nature of the Tyranid bio form, do one thing and do it well. These creatures are not the best in a hand-to-hand fight but they are more that capable of turning you into paste with a thought.

I wanted to leave their bodies nice and dark… concentrate the colour towards the top of the model, where the danger is. These models really take nicely to the table top quality chunky line highlights, reading well from a distance. This lining technique is common on most Tyranid Hive Fleets you will see online as it gives a nice textured appearance. They look good as a groups hovering together as one mass of psychic devastation.

In keeping with the rest of Hive Fleet Ladybird these models also sport the white face marking and black spots of the bugs themselves. I do like the pop of white on that big old head… it gives the face a features. Normally I’d paint the eyes bright yellow as a focal point for the miniature but as you can see they don’t have any…. I guess if your brain makes up 50% of your body you don’t need eyes,