Grab some toy cars and get to crashin’.

Gaslands is a Mad Max style post-apocalyptic racer where teams of cars try to win by any means…. and I mean any. In this game you can ram your opponents, shoot at them, throw Molotov cocktails and leave oil slicks James Bond style .The best bit about this game, to play it all you need is a Matchbox or Hot Wheels car and some creativity. This is a game of customisation and the website ( is a trove of tutorials and inspiration, everything from little buggies all the way up to war rigs is covered there .

I started playing Gastlands with a friend just before the pandemic turned everyone’s table top hobby ambitions into dust… but I did manage to make one team, all be it hastily.

Beverly, the devil on the highway.

Beverly is a myth, a car that makes noises no car should make, rumbles, growls and screams that can shatter headlights and windscreens. When she appears frost begins to form on the cars around her despite the blistering sun of the desert wasteland . When she rides out she is flanked by cars that have no physics presence… Ghost Riders.

This team is super fun… the ghost cars are literally that, Ghosts. These Ghost Riders cant shoot or interact with other vehicles in any way, They benefit the team by leaching life to Beverly. Whenever an opponent would place their movement gauge over a Ghost rider Beverly can receive a fan vote (a mechanic of the campaign) or heal two hull points (health). This makes her pretty hard to stop if you place your Ghosts right.

getting cars.

You can get your little murder machines in anyway you want, buy new, second hand online, carboot / garage sales they are everywhere. I got all of my cars from Charity shops… its a good way of supporting the charities in your local area and they come pretty cheap. I think I paid between 20p and 50p a car, hence why my hobby space is covered in Hot Wheels cars. All of the bits I used for converting are curtesy of my Warhammer bits box, after years of collecting you have a few spares. Companies also supply custom made parts specifically for Gaslands and these can be found on the Gaslands website…. or google.

I’m going to hopefully be playing more of this game going forward now my friend has moved back to the area…. maybe ill do some race reports…hmmmm who knows.