Warhound titans

I have two Warhound scout titans both with Vulcan Mega Bolters and Plasma Blastguns. I have magnetised my Warhounds so I do have other options but as of yet they are not painted. I love the scout titans, they are fast and a great irritation to the taller slower battle titans. Although they cant take many hits from the bigger Titans they are fast enough to get around them and deliver some devastating attacks from relative safety. As they are the smallest of the true titans they find it easier to gain some cover when spiriting between the building of whatever poor city is caught up in the battle.

They are painted in the colours of Legio Mortis, the solid black and red with a cream head. I have painted one simply with a mainly black scheme and red hazard stripers along half of its back and the other I chose to paint a slightly more complex chaos star. These models look amazing running as a pair across the battlefield.

Reaver titans

Again I have two of these battle titans one for close and midrange fights and one that is a mid to long range support titan. I like to use the close range titan as area denial as no one wants to come close to a Reaver with a chainfist. This Titan tends to push up the field with the Warhounds forming the aggressive arm of the Titan maniple. The second comes with volcano cannon and missiles for some ranged firepower. This plucky little battle Titan tends to end up pushing his luck and over heating in games of Adeptus Titanicus but what the point of having such powerful weapons if you are not firing them constantly. These titans stand taller than the Warhounds and as such tend to take a bite more fire due to their increased visibility but they have the constitution to take it.

I have again choses to split the pair into two painting styles… one with the simple hazard stripes and the other with a chaos start going from his shoulder plate over the main body. As these models have a bigger base size I decided to add some epic scale miniatures to them. These are the old Epic scale miniatures that are unfortunately too small to fit in with the new legions Imperialis which are ever so slightly bigger. I still think they look great on the bases and help sell the scale. I chose to have World Eaters vs Imperial Fists on the bases as this maniple is set at the Palace siege. World Eaters were fighting at a section of the wall that Legio Mortis were assaulting so it makes sense to have them there. Imperial fists built the walls and defended them so it only seemed right to have them battling away below these monsters. I’m proud of my little Rhino transport that has a shot going all the way through it that has melted parts of its armour into a liquid state.

Warlord titan

I have one warlord titan who is a fire support colossus sporting a Bellacosa Volcano Cannon, a Mori Quake Cannon and two Apocalypse Missile Launchers. This Titan sits back and lets it all fly, breaking shields with the missiles and then absolutely devastating the physical form of anything it touches with the two arm weapons. That beefed up Volcano Cannon can do some insane damage and can one shot a Warhound… poor little guy, never stood a chance.

This Model I wanted to keep simple to help with his dominating appearance. I didn’t want to brake up the shapes of the shoulders in the fear this would make them appear smaller. So they received a solid red. The main body has its armour panels painted black to help the large cream ‘deaths head’ cockpit stand out. To add a little bit of flavour into the scheme the leg armour received a chevron pattern which contrasts nicely against the World Eaters rhino I placed on the base. This guy has done serious work in every game he has graced with his presence.

Warmaster titan

This is the BIG one. The biggest titan in the range for Titanicus which as of now doesn’t have a 40k scale model. This thing is insane, It has twin Suzerian class Plasma Destructors which I believe are the most powerful plasma weapons to date in all of 40k and they do work… at destructing. It houses a Revelator Missile Array in the carapace above the head and my one has two Apocalypse Missile Launchers one in each shoulder. This model took a good amount of time to build and paint but it was worth it to see him tower over everything on the battlefield.

As with the Warlord I wanted this Titan to mainly use Full colour panels to aid in maintaining its bulky appearance. There are no patterns other than on the tilt shields which I used to add a little more cream into the colour scheme. I painted bother the eyes on the shoulders as fiery as I could and the painted gloss varnish over the top to make them shine. The banners have nothing on them yet as I couldn’t think if anything to put there, when inspiration strikes I will update them.

Legions Imperialis

I know Titans will be expensive in Legions but hopefully I can find an opponent with enough toys so that I can field some of these beauties. The game itself looks mechanically sound and some of the battle reports I have seen from people who got pre release material seem like good fun. Hopefully it takes off and is supported for a good while. Keep an eye out and follow the Legions Imperialis tag to keep uo to date with all the blog posts around it.