When it comes to Wahammer40k one of my favourite factions is the Death Guard. As I have said before I prefer to play melee armies but one thing I love more than hitting things is getting hit and not going down. Resilience is the name of the game.

This arm was intended to be done quickly with minimal effort to allow me to play more games. Although the army was finished sadly they have not seen as much action as I would have liked.


I have a few Leaders because I got the 8th edition Dark Imperium box set back when it was released. I have yet to play these guys in 10th but the few games I played in 9th these HQ choices did me well.

LORD OF CONTAGION. This guy is a walking tank., terminator armour, huge axe… what’s not to love.

MALIGNANT PLAGUECASTER. The plague psychers of the Death Guards ranks. These guys are good leaders in units and also has two versions of a witchfire psychic attack that automatically hit at 12 inches…. not too shabby.

NOXIOUS BLIGHTBRINGER. One of my favourite models in the range, this model is what the Nurgle aesthetic is in my eyes. Bells, horns, Nurglings the works… down to the weird helmet that doesn’t really have any features. In 10th this guy can be attached to a unit of Plague Marines even if it has another leader already attached. He confers the ability to re-roll advance and charge rolls, pretty good for that blocking charge or getting onto objectives.


PLAGUE MARINES. The classic foot soldiers of the papa Nurgle himself. These chaps are hard to shift , weathering all the incoming fire and stubbornly holding objectives or just being a thorn in your opponents side. I have gone a more Poxwalker path in my list but I still have one unit because they look great.

BLIGHTLORD TERMINATORS. just when you thought terminators couldn’t get any harder to kill these guys come along. I love me a good Terminator. They have that chunky feel that people love about loyalist terminators but these guys know how to customise. Horns , tentacles and even some extra arms, they truly are beautiful.

POXWALKERS. Now if you want a horde of zombies this is as close as you are likely to get in 40K. Poxwalkers are the unfortunates that have succumbed to all the poisonous gifts papa Nurgle gives out, losing part of themselves but not knowing fear or pain. They are cheap and good for holding objectives, I have 40 of them and often used them to pad out the field screening other units and preventing an easy deep strike.


HELBRUTE. I like the Helbrute, it’s everything you want in a walking pile of madness. I converted my Helbrute to have twin lascannons as my army doesn’t have a lot of shooting and it was an easy conversion to do. To give it that little Nurgle flare it got a cheeky little Nurgling climbing out of the face… just for fun.

The other two types of Demon Engine I use in my army are 3 Myphitic Blight-Haulers for some mobile anti tank and one Foetid Bloat-Drone for spewing violence over the enemy. The Haulers got added later on but in the few games I used them they showed their worth, its always nice to have a multi-melta or three.


Back when I played Death Guard the Nurgle themed demons were in the book… to be taken as you please. Now you have to follow the allies rules but that’s fine, it still works. I have 20 Plaguebearers in two units, again this is to screen out and play the objectives game. Nurglings also come out to play, not that they are great or broken in any rules way but that they look silly and I like them.

The Future

I do have a Mortarion to finish up for this army which would be nice to complete the roster, flesh it out. I’m sure I’ll get around to him some day… maybe. I have a collection of old Demon Princes that I have had for many many years that sometimes make it into the list. I want to keep the photos of them for another post about the oldest models I still have. Keep an eye out for a link to that in the future.

After taking these off the shelf to take photos I remembered how much I like them. I really should take them out for a 10th edition spin.