In Warhammer 40k I have a bit of a preference for melee armies and boy do World Eaters scratch that itch. Who needs guns when you can have a axe ,sword, claws or teeth?


Angron the daemon Primarch of the World Eaters legion is one of my favourite large models from Games Workshop. It has everything you would want from the favoured of the blood god Khorne, he’s big, he’s mean and he carries a huge axe.

On the table Angron is a threat no one can afford to ignore, if he makes it to you, you’re dead.


In my arm as it stands I have two characters other than Angron and they are Lord Invocatus and a Master of Executions. Lord Invocatus sharing scout with other units increases my first turn threat range massively, making sure I punish anyone who deploys too far forward. The Master of Executions giving fights first to a unit of Berzerkers make an already dangerous unit just that little bit spicier.

My Master of Executions is converted from the Blades of Khorne Bloodsecrator.

The Troops.

Berzerkers are what make a World Eaters army, the tool through which blood is shed and skulls are taken. I love these new updated models from Games Workshop, they have all the feel of of the old models but fit in with the new generation of 40k models. I currently have 20 of these guys and I’m sure I’ll be adding more.

Eightbound and Exalted Eightbound are the guys that are so angry that you can stuff them full of daemons and they are fine with it. You can build these models with or without armour and with two weapon options for the squad leader. I chose to build the Exalted without the armour as they are so full of daemonic power they don’t need it, well that’s how I see it.

The Eightbound in all their armoured glory. the backpack gives them some serious height. Although maybe not the best option, the two handed heavy chainglaive looks too impressive to not use.

The Exalted Eightbound are some of the hardest hitting units in my army. They kill what they charge and because of this they are often under heavy ranged attack.

Whats next.

I have a few models that I’m ashamed to say are still grey, a unit of Jakhals for some back field objective control and a spartan assault tank to use as a Land Raider. In addition to this id like to add a few more Berzerkers and a Rhino or two to round out my options. When I slay the grey ill be sure to do an update.