I was looking for ideas for my first Blogging topic, something that interested me and would make it easy to write about… Luckily we have a topic as next week the new Tyranids models go on pre-order from Games workshop. The new codex being particularly interesting as its the first codex to come out for 10th edition of Warhammer 40k.


Along with this exciting look into the future of the game comes a collection of beautiful, if not disgusting gribbly miniatures. some of these miniatures do not live up to the title as the new Norn Emissary is colossal. Look at that thing… claw to toe with a wraith knight.


Tyranids come in many colour schemes as they are biological creatures and don’ have a uniform as it were. They are all similar in colour pallet due to them being from the same hive fleet having been berthed form the same generic material. Inspiration comes from a creature in the real world. A bug. A predator. the Ladybird or Ladybug.


As you can see they are striking with a yellow through red colour scheme with contrasting black spots. The feature that causes these little murder bugs to stand out for me is the white facial markings, not only the way they contrast against the black but the variation they come in. Every pattern is slightly different and this means it will transfer well to the different facial structures of the Tyranid hoards.

I have the miniatures from the leviathan box to have a little play with and with all the detail on the sculpts I think they will take a darker colour scheme quite well. Now all i need to do is build them and get painting. Expect and update soon.